I've been dealing with self-harm ever since I was in seventh grade. I first done it to show a boy I was as cool as him, because I liked him. Then I found out reasons to do it. I started to be depressed. Eighth grade came by, I self-harmed more, I 'quit'. Then here comes ninth grade! The worst year of my life, I self-harm more and more it was almost a daily thing. I moved to NC, I quit for a while. Paranoia and depression came back worse I never went anywhere with out my jacket. I went to Lincolnton High School, then I went to West Lincoln High School. I cutted more by this time I hade scars not as many. I quit again I moved back into my dads house in the summer. Tenth grade, I cut myself the night before school started, worn a dress. I can remember a girl asking me "What happen to your arm?" she said it as in making fun of me all I said back was "Ehh, you know my dog." I heard her tell her friend "Oh my god emo freak still cuts herself." That night I went home and cred I cut myself again. I got so many questions asked as in "Are you depressed?" "Why did you do that?" "You need help." Then I got called names "Emo Freak" "She worships the devil" people kept feeding me lies and I can't handle pressure a lot. I cut more and more everyday five new cuts. My dad acted like nothing happen. My mom saw them, she moved me back to NC, because she knew if I stayed there any longer I wouldn't be alive today. Now I have sixty-one scars all over my body, that isn't counting the ones that have faded away. I wear a jacket always to hide my arms. It's rare to see my arms.
Now, I have finally, well hopefully, quit. I always stay strong no matter what I feel inside.

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