Monday, March 4, 2013

Life inside me.

     Well, want to know about my life? Well it was good to start with then it all went down hill, by the age I was six. My parents fought like cats and dogs, day in and day out. They finally split up. My mom had me and my sister move with her, we lived with this man for about two weeks, I don't remember much of that. I went to another school, I can't remember if I had fun there or not. My mom left that man we lived in one house for a few years I'm guessing? My dad "made" my mom re-marry him. We stayed with my dad for a while. One night I remember it like it was yesterday, My mom and dad got into another fight. My mom said "Megan, Holly grab something we will are going to go get something to eat." I grabbed my barbies into a pink bag got into the back seat. I don't remember if my brother was with us or not. But we was all riding around looking for a motel. My mother, sister and I saw this huge reddish moon it was so big I loved it.

      Now I am 16 I go to West Lincoln High School. I enjoy my classes a lot. I don't have many friends. I don't trust many people. My life is a mess, under stress. I've thought about suicide to many times. I use to self-harm. I believe in Gay rights. Life isn't what you make it, that is just a bunch of bull your parents tell you. From middle school up is legit hell. But I have to be strong and brave to be myself.

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